// SPDX-FileCopyrightText: Copyright 2024 shadPS4 Emulator Project // SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later #include #include #include #include "common/assert.h" #include "common/logging/log.h" #include "common/singleton.h" #include "common/thread.h" #include "core/file_format/psf.h" #include "core/file_sys/fs.h" #include "core/libraries/error_codes.h" #include "core/libraries/kernel/cpu_management.h" #include "core/libraries/kernel/event_flag/event_flag.h" #include "core/libraries/kernel/event_queues.h" #include "core/libraries/kernel/file_system.h" #include "core/libraries/kernel/libkernel.h" #include "core/libraries/kernel/memory_management.h" #include "core/libraries/kernel/thread_management.h" #include "core/libraries/kernel/time_management.h" #include "core/libraries/libs.h" #include "core/linker.h" #include "core/memory.h" #ifdef _WIN64 #include #include #include #else #include #endif namespace Libraries::Kernel { static u64 g_stack_chk_guard = 0xDEADBEEF54321ABC; // dummy return boost::asio::io_context io_context; std::mutex m_asio_req; std::condition_variable_any cv_asio_req; std::atomic asio_requests; std::jthread service_thread; void KernelSignalRequest() { std::unique_lock lock{m_asio_req}; ++asio_requests; cv_asio_req.notify_one(); } static void KernelServiceThread(std::stop_token stoken) { Common::SetCurrentThreadName("Kernel_ServiceThread"); while (!stoken.stop_requested()) { HLE_TRACE; { std::unique_lock lock{m_asio_req}; cv_asio_req.wait(lock, stoken, [] { return asio_requests != 0; }); } if (stoken.stop_requested()) { break; } io_context.run(); io_context.reset(); asio_requests = 0; } } static void* PS4_SYSV_ABI sceKernelGetProcParam() { auto* linker = Common::Singleton::Instance(); return reinterpret_cast(linker->GetProcParam()); } static PS4_SYSV_ABI void stack_chk_fail() { UNREACHABLE(); } int PS4_SYSV_ABI sceKernelMunmap(void* addr, size_t len) { LOG_INFO(Kernel_Vmm, "addr = {}, len = {:#x}", fmt::ptr(addr), len); auto* memory = Core::Memory::Instance(); memory->UnmapMemory(std::bit_cast(addr), len); return SCE_OK; } struct iovec { void* iov_base; /* Base address. */ size_t iov_len; /* Length. */ }; size_t PS4_SYSV_ABI _writev(int fd, const struct iovec* iov, int iovcn) { // weird it gives fd ==0 and writes to stdout , i am not sure if it that is valid (found in // openorbis) size_t total_written = 0; for (int i = 0; i < iovcn; i++) { total_written += ::fwrite(iov[i].iov_base, 1, iov[i].iov_len, stdout); } return total_written; } static thread_local int g_posix_errno = 0; int* PS4_SYSV_ABI __Error() { return &g_posix_errno; } void ErrSceToPosix(int result) { const int rt = result > SCE_KERNEL_ERROR_UNKNOWN && result <= SCE_KERNEL_ERROR_ESTOP ? result + -SCE_KERNEL_ERROR_UNKNOWN : POSIX_EOTHER; g_posix_errno = rt; } int ErrnoToSceKernelError(int e) { const auto res = SCE_KERNEL_ERROR_UNKNOWN + e; return res > SCE_KERNEL_ERROR_ESTOP ? SCE_KERNEL_ERROR_UNKNOWN : res; } int PS4_SYSV_ABI sceKernelMmap(void* addr, u64 len, int prot, int flags, int fd, size_t offset, void** res) { LOG_INFO(Kernel_Vmm, "called addr = {}, len = {}, prot = {}, flags = {}, fd = {}, offset = {}", fmt::ptr(addr), len, prot, flags, fd, offset); auto* h = Common::Singleton::Instance(); auto* memory = Core::Memory::Instance(); const auto mem_prot = static_cast(prot); const auto mem_flags = static_cast(flags); if (fd == -1) { return memory->MapMemory(res, std::bit_cast(addr), len, mem_prot, mem_flags, Core::VMAType::Flexible); } else { const uintptr_t handle = h->GetFile(fd)->f.GetFileMapping(); return memory->MapFile(res, std::bit_cast(addr), len, mem_prot, mem_flags, handle, offset); } } void* PS4_SYSV_ABI posix_mmap(void* addr, u64 len, int prot, int flags, int fd, u64 offset) { void* ptr; LOG_INFO(Kernel_Vmm, "posix mmap redirect to sceKernelMmap"); // posix call the difference is that there is a different behaviour when it doesn't return 0 or // SCE_OK const VAddr ret_addr = (VAddr)__builtin_return_address(0); int result = sceKernelMmap(addr, len, prot, flags, fd, offset, &ptr); ASSERT(result == 0); return ptr; } static uint64_t g_mspace_atomic_id_mask = 0; static uint64_t g_mstate_table[64] = {0}; struct HeapInfoInfo { uint64_t size = sizeof(HeapInfoInfo); uint32_t flag; uint32_t getSegmentInfo; uint64_t* mspace_atomic_id_mask; uint64_t* mstate_table; }; void PS4_SYSV_ABI sceLibcHeapGetTraceInfo(HeapInfoInfo* info) { info->mspace_atomic_id_mask = &g_mspace_atomic_id_mask; info->mstate_table = g_mstate_table; info->getSegmentInfo = 0; } s64 PS4_SYSV_ABI ps4__write(int d, const void* buf, std::size_t nbytes) { if (d <= 2) { // stdin,stdout,stderr char* str = strdup((const char*)buf); if (str[nbytes - 1] == '\n') str[nbytes - 1] = 0; LOG_INFO(Tty, "{}", str); free(str); return nbytes; } LOG_ERROR(Kernel, "(STUBBED) called d = {} nbytes = {} ", d, nbytes); UNREACHABLE(); // normal write , is it a posix call?? return ORBIS_OK; } int PS4_SYSV_ABI sceKernelConvertUtcToLocaltime(time_t time, time_t* local_time, struct OrbisTimesec* st, unsigned long* dst_sec) { LOG_TRACE(Kernel, "Called"); const auto* time_zone = std::chrono::current_zone(); auto info = time_zone->get_info(std::chrono::system_clock::now()); *local_time = info.offset.count() + info.save.count() * 60 + time; if (st != nullptr) { st->t = time; st->west_sec = info.offset.count() * 60; st->dst_sec = info.save.count() * 60; } if (dst_sec != nullptr) { *dst_sec = info.save.count() * 60; } return ORBIS_OK; } int PS4_SYSV_ABI sceKernelGetCompiledSdkVersion(int* ver) { auto* param_sfo = Common::Singleton::Instance(); int version = param_sfo->GetInteger("SYSTEM_VER"); LOG_INFO(Kernel, "returned system version = {:#x}", version); *ver = version; return (version > 0) ? ORBIS_OK : ORBIS_KERNEL_ERROR_EINVAL; } s64 PS4_SYSV_ABI ps4__read(int d, void* buf, u64 nbytes) { ASSERT_MSG(d == 0, "d is not 0!"); return static_cast( strlen(std::fgets(static_cast(buf), static_cast(nbytes), stdin))); } s32 PS4_SYSV_ABI sceKernelLoadStartModule(const char* moduleFileName, size_t args, const void* argp, u32 flags, const void* pOpt, int* pRes) { LOG_INFO(Lib_Kernel, "called filename = {}, args = {}", moduleFileName, args); if (flags != 0) { return ORBIS_KERNEL_ERROR_EINVAL; } auto* mnt = Common::Singleton::Instance(); const auto path = mnt->GetHostFile(moduleFileName); // Load PRX module and relocate any modules that import it. auto* linker = Common::Singleton::Instance(); u32 handle = linker->LoadModule(path, true); if (handle == -1) { return ORBIS_KERNEL_ERROR_EINVAL; } auto* module = linker->GetModule(handle); linker->RelocateAnyImports(module); // If the new module has a TLS image, trigger its load when TlsGetAddr is called. if (module->tls.image_size != 0) { linker->AdvanceGenerationCounter(); } // Retrieve and verify proc param according to libkernel. u64* param = module->GetProcParam(); ASSERT_MSG(!param || param[0] >= 0x18, "Invalid module param size: {}", param[0]); module->Start(args, argp, param); return handle; } s32 PS4_SYSV_ABI sceKernelDlsym(s32 handle, const char* symbol, void** addrp) { auto* linker = Common::Singleton::Instance(); auto* module = linker->GetModule(handle); *addrp = module->FindByName(symbol); if (*addrp == nullptr) { return ORBIS_KERNEL_ERROR_ESRCH; } return ORBIS_OK; } static constexpr size_t ORBIS_DBG_MAX_NAME_LENGTH = 256; struct OrbisModuleInfoForUnwind { u64 st_size; std::array name; VAddr eh_frame_hdr_addr; VAddr eh_frame_addr; u64 eh_frame_size; VAddr seg0_addr; u64 seg0_size; }; s32 PS4_SYSV_ABI sceKernelGetModuleInfoForUnwind(VAddr addr, int flags, OrbisModuleInfoForUnwind* info) { if (flags >= 3) { std::memset(info, 0, sizeof(OrbisModuleInfoForUnwind)); return SCE_KERNEL_ERROR_EINVAL; } if (!info) { return ORBIS_KERNEL_ERROR_EFAULT; } if (info->st_size <= sizeof(OrbisModuleInfoForUnwind)) { return ORBIS_KERNEL_ERROR_EINVAL; } // Find module that contains specified address. LOG_INFO(Lib_Kernel, "called addr = {:#x}, flags = {:#x}", addr, flags); auto* linker = Common::Singleton::Instance(); auto* module = linker->FindByAddress(addr); const auto mod_info = module->GetModuleInfoEx(); // Fill in module info. info->name = mod_info.name; info->eh_frame_hdr_addr = mod_info.eh_frame_hdr_addr; info->eh_frame_addr = mod_info.eh_frame_addr; info->eh_frame_size = mod_info.eh_frame_size; info->seg0_addr = mod_info.segments[0].address; info->seg0_size = mod_info.segments[0].size; return ORBIS_OK; } int PS4_SYSV_ABI sceKernelGetModuleInfoFromAddr(VAddr addr, int flags, Core::OrbisKernelModuleInfoEx* info) { LOG_INFO(Lib_Kernel, "called addr = {:#x}, flags = {:#x}", addr, flags); auto* linker = Common::Singleton::Instance(); auto* module = linker->FindByAddress(addr); *info = module->GetModuleInfoEx(); return ORBIS_OK; } int PS4_SYSV_ABI sceKernelDebugRaiseException() { UNREACHABLE(); return 0; } int PS4_SYSV_ABI sceKernelGetCpumode() { return 0; } void PS4_SYSV_ABI sched_yield() { return std::this_thread::yield(); } int PS4_SYSV_ABI sceKernelUuidCreate(OrbisKernelUuid* orbisUuid) { #ifdef _WIN64 UUID uuid; UuidCreate(&uuid); orbisUuid->timeLow = uuid.Data1; orbisUuid->timeMid = uuid.Data2; orbisUuid->timeHiAndVersion = uuid.Data3; orbisUuid->clockSeqHiAndReserved = uuid.Data4[0]; orbisUuid->clockSeqLow = uuid.Data4[1]; for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++) { orbisUuid->node[i] = uuid.Data4[2 + i]; } #else LOG_ERROR(Kernel, "sceKernelUuidCreate: Add linux"); #endif return 0; } const char* PS4_SYSV_ABI sceKernelGetFsSandboxRandomWord() { const char* path = "sys"; return path; } int PS4_SYSV_ABI posix_connect() { return -1; } int PS4_SYSV_ABI _sigprocmask() { LOG_DEBUG(Lib_Kernel, "STUBBED"); return ORBIS_OK; } int PS4_SYSV_ABI posix_getpagesize() { return 4096; } void LibKernel_Register(Core::Loader::SymbolsResolver* sym) { service_thread = std::jthread{KernelServiceThread}; // obj LIB_OBJ("f7uOxY9mM1U", "libkernel", 1, "libkernel", 1, 1, &g_stack_chk_guard); // misc LIB_FUNCTION("JGfTMBOdUJo", "libkernel", 1, "libkernel", 1, 1, sceKernelGetFsSandboxRandomWord); LIB_FUNCTION("XVL8So3QJUk", "libkernel", 1, "libkernel", 1, 1, posix_connect); LIB_FUNCTION("6xVpy0Fdq+I", "libkernel", 1, "libkernel", 1, 1, _sigprocmask); // memory LIB_FUNCTION("OMDRKKAZ8I4", "libkernel", 1, "libkernel", 1, 1, sceKernelDebugRaiseException); LIB_FUNCTION("rTXw65xmLIA", "libkernel", 1, "libkernel", 1, 1, sceKernelAllocateDirectMemory); LIB_FUNCTION("B+vc2AO2Zrc", "libkernel", 1, "libkernel", 1, 1, sceKernelAllocateMainDirectMemory); LIB_FUNCTION("C0f7TJcbfac", "libkernel", 1, "libkernel", 1, 1, sceKernelAvailableDirectMemorySize); LIB_FUNCTION("hwVSPCmp5tM", "libkernel", 1, "libkernel", 1, 1, sceKernelCheckedReleaseDirectMemory); LIB_FUNCTION("rVjRvHJ0X6c", "libkernel", 1, "libkernel", 1, 1, sceKernelVirtualQuery); LIB_FUNCTION("7oxv3PPCumo", "libkernel", 1, "libkernel", 1, 1, sceKernelReserveVirtualRange); LIB_FUNCTION("pO96TwzOm5E", "libkernel", 1, "libkernel", 1, 1, sceKernelGetDirectMemorySize); LIB_FUNCTION("NcaWUxfMNIQ", "libkernel", 1, "libkernel", 1, 1, sceKernelMapNamedDirectMemory); LIB_FUNCTION("L-Q3LEjIbgA", "libkernel", 1, "libkernel", 1, 1, sceKernelMapDirectMemory); LIB_FUNCTION("WFcfL2lzido", "libkernel", 1, "libkernel", 1, 1, sceKernelQueryMemoryProtection); LIB_FUNCTION("BHouLQzh0X0", "libkernel", 1, "libkernel", 1, 1, sceKernelDirectMemoryQuery); LIB_FUNCTION("MBuItvba6z8", "libkernel", 1, "libkernel", 1, 1, sceKernelReleaseDirectMemory); LIB_FUNCTION("cQke9UuBQOk", "libkernel", 1, "libkernel", 1, 1, sceKernelMunmap); LIB_FUNCTION("mL8NDH86iQI", "libkernel", 1, "libkernel", 1, 1, sceKernelMapNamedFlexibleMemory); LIB_FUNCTION("aNz11fnnzi4", "libkernel", 1, "libkernel", 1, 1, sceKernelAvailableFlexibleMemorySize); LIB_FUNCTION("IWIBBdTHit4", "libkernel", 1, "libkernel", 1, 1, sceKernelMapFlexibleMemory); LIB_FUNCTION("p5EcQeEeJAE", "libkernel", 1, "libkernel", 1, 1, _sceKernelRtldSetApplicationHeapAPI); LIB_FUNCTION("wzvqT4UqKX8", "libkernel", 1, "libkernel", 1, 1, sceKernelLoadStartModule); LIB_FUNCTION("LwG8g3niqwA", "libkernel", 1, "libkernel", 1, 1, sceKernelDlsym); LIB_FUNCTION("RpQJJVKTiFM", "libkernel", 1, "libkernel", 1, 1, sceKernelGetModuleInfoForUnwind); LIB_FUNCTION("f7KBOafysXo", "libkernel", 1, "libkernel", 1, 1, sceKernelGetModuleInfoFromAddr); LIB_FUNCTION("VOx8NGmHXTs", "libkernel", 1, "libkernel", 1, 1, sceKernelGetCpumode); LIB_FUNCTION("Xjoosiw+XPI", "libkernel", 1, "libkernel", 1, 1, sceKernelUuidCreate); // equeue LIB_FUNCTION("D0OdFMjp46I", "libkernel", 1, "libkernel", 1, 1, sceKernelCreateEqueue); LIB_FUNCTION("jpFjmgAC5AE", "libkernel", 1, "libkernel", 1, 1, sceKernelDeleteEqueue); LIB_FUNCTION("fzyMKs9kim0", "libkernel", 1, "libkernel", 1, 1, sceKernelWaitEqueue); LIB_FUNCTION("vz+pg2zdopI", "libkernel", 1, "libkernel", 1, 1, sceKernelGetEventUserData); LIB_FUNCTION("4R6-OvI2cEA", "libkernel", 1, "libkernel", 1, 1, sceKernelAddUserEvent); LIB_FUNCTION("WDszmSbWuDk", "libkernel", 1, "libkernel", 1, 1, sceKernelAddUserEventEdge); LIB_FUNCTION("R74tt43xP6k", "libkernel", 1, "libkernel", 1, 1, sceKernelAddHRTimerEvent); LIB_FUNCTION("F6e0kwo4cnk", "libkernel", 1, "libkernel", 1, 1, sceKernelTriggerUserEvent); LIB_FUNCTION("LJDwdSNTnDg", "libkernel", 1, "libkernel", 1, 1, sceKernelDeleteUserEvent); LIB_FUNCTION("mJ7aghmgvfc", "libkernel", 1, "libkernel", 1, 1, sceKernelGetEventId); // misc LIB_FUNCTION("WslcK1FQcGI", "libkernel", 1, "libkernel", 1, 1, sceKernelIsNeoMode); LIB_FUNCTION("Ou3iL1abvng", "libkernel", 1, "libkernel", 1, 1, stack_chk_fail); LIB_FUNCTION("9BcDykPmo1I", "libkernel", 1, "libkernel", 1, 1, __Error); LIB_FUNCTION("BPE9s9vQQXo", "libkernel", 1, "libkernel", 1, 1, posix_mmap); LIB_FUNCTION("BPE9s9vQQXo", "libScePosix", 1, "libkernel", 1, 1, posix_mmap); LIB_FUNCTION("YSHRBRLn2pI", "libkernel", 1, "libkernel", 1, 1, _writev); LIB_FUNCTION("959qrazPIrg", "libkernel", 1, "libkernel", 1, 1, sceKernelGetProcParam); LIB_FUNCTION("-o5uEDpN+oY", "libkernel", 1, "libkernel", 1, 1, sceKernelConvertUtcToLocaltime); LIB_FUNCTION("WB66evu8bsU", "libkernel", 1, "libkernel", 1, 1, sceKernelGetCompiledSdkVersion); LIB_FUNCTION("DRuBt2pvICk", "libkernel", 1, "libkernel", 1, 1, ps4__read); LIB_FUNCTION("k+AXqu2-eBc", "libScePosix", 1, "libkernel", 1, 1, posix_getpagesize); Libraries::Kernel::fileSystemSymbolsRegister(sym); Libraries::Kernel::timeSymbolsRegister(sym); Libraries::Kernel::pthreadSymbolsRegister(sym); Libraries::Kernel::RegisterKernelEventFlag(sym); // temp LIB_FUNCTION("NWtTN10cJzE", "libSceLibcInternalExt", 1, "libSceLibcInternal", 1, 1, sceLibcHeapGetTraceInfo); LIB_FUNCTION("FxVZqBAA7ks", "libkernel", 1, "libkernel", 1, 1, ps4__write); LIB_FUNCTION("6XG4B33N09g", "libScePosix", 1, "libkernel", 1, 1, sched_yield); } } // namespace Libraries::Kernel