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911 lines
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Mathieu Stefani, 03 mai 2016
This header provides a Result type that can be used to replace exceptions in code
that has to handle error.
Result<T, E> can be used to return and propagate an error to the caller. Result<T, E> is an algebraic
data type that can either Ok(T) to represent success or Err(E) to represent an error.
#pragma once
#include <iostream>
#include <functional>
#include <type_traits>
namespace types {
template<typename T>
struct Ok {
Ok(const T& val) : val(val) { }
Ok(T&& val) : val(std::move(val)) { }
T val;
struct Ok<void> { };
template<typename E>
struct Err {
Err(const E& val) : val(val) { }
Err(E&& val) : val(std::move(val)) { }
E val;
template<typename T, typename CleanT = typename std::decay<T>::type>
types::Ok<CleanT> Ok(T&& val) {
return types::Ok<CleanT>(std::forward<T>(val));
inline types::Ok<void> Ok() {
return types::Ok<void>();
template<typename E, typename CleanE = typename std::decay<E>::type>
types::Err<CleanE> Err(E&& val) {
return types::Err<CleanE>(std::forward<E>(val));
namespace Rust {
template<typename T, typename E> struct Result;
namespace details {
template<typename ...> struct void_t { typedef void type; };
namespace impl {
template<typename Func> struct result_of;
template<typename Ret, typename Cls, typename... Args>
struct result_of<Ret (Cls::*)(Args...)> : public result_of<Ret (Args...)> { };
template<typename Ret, typename... Args>
struct result_of<Ret (Args...)> {
typedef Ret type;
template<typename Func>
struct result_of : public impl::result_of<decltype(&Func::operator())> { };
template<typename Ret, typename Cls, typename... Args>
struct result_of<Ret (Cls::*) (Args...) const> {
typedef Ret type;
template<typename Ret, typename... Args>
struct result_of<Ret (*)(Args...)> {
typedef Ret type;
template<typename R>
struct ResultOkType { typedef typename std::decay<R>::type type; };
template<typename T, typename E>
struct ResultOkType<Rust::Result<T, E>> {
typedef T type;
template<typename R>
struct ResultErrType { typedef R type; };
template<typename T, typename E>
struct ResultErrType<Rust::Result<T, E>> {
typedef typename std::remove_reference<E>::type type;
template<typename R> struct IsResult : public std::false_type { };
template<typename T, typename E>
struct IsResult<Rust::Result<T, E>> : public std::true_type { };
namespace ok {
namespace impl {
template<typename T> struct Map;
template<typename Ret, typename Cls, typename Arg>
struct Map<Ret (Cls::*)(Arg) const> : public Map<Ret (Arg)> { };
template<typename Ret, typename Cls, typename Arg>
struct Map<Ret (Cls::*)(Arg)> : public Map<Ret (Arg)> { };
// General implementation
template<typename Ret, typename Arg>
struct Map<Ret (Arg)> {
"Can not map a callback returning a Result, use andThen instead");
template<typename T, typename E, typename Func>
static Rust::Result<Ret, E> map(const Rust::Result<T, E>& result, Func func) {
std::is_same<T, Arg>::value ||
std::is_convertible<T, Arg>::value,
"Incompatible types detected");
if (result.isOk()) {
auto res = func(result.storage().template get<T>());
return types::Ok<Ret>(std::move(res));
return types::Err<E>(result.storage().template get<E>());
// Specialization for callback returning void
template<typename Arg>
struct Map<void (Arg)> {
template<typename T, typename E, typename Func>
static Rust::Result<void, E> map(const Rust::Result<T, E>& result, Func func) {
if (result.isOk()) {
func(result.storage().template get<T>());
return types::Ok<void>();
return types::Err<E>(result.storage().template get<E>());
// Specialization for a void Result
template<typename Ret>
struct Map<Ret (void)> {
template<typename T, typename E, typename Func>
static Rust::Result<Ret, E> map(const Rust::Result<T, E>& result, Func func) {
static_assert(std::is_same<T, void>::value,
"Can not map a void callback on a non-void Result");
if (result.isOk()) {
auto ret = func();
return types::Ok<Ret>(std::move(ret));
return types::Err<E>(result.storage().template get<E>());
// Specialization for callback returning void on a void Result
struct Map<void (void)> {
template<typename T, typename E, typename Func>
static Rust::Result<void, E> map(const Rust::Result<T, E>& result, Func func) {
static_assert(std::is_same<T, void>::value,
"Can not map a void callback on a non-void Result");
if (result.isOk()) {
return types::Ok<void>();
return types::Err<E>(result.storage().template get<E>());
// General specialization for a callback returning a Result
template<typename U, typename E, typename Arg>
struct Map<Rust::Result<U, E> (Arg)> {
template<typename T, typename Func>
static Rust::Result<U, E> map(const Rust::Result<T, E>& result, Func func) {
std::is_same<T, Arg>::value ||
std::is_convertible<T, Arg>::value,
"Incompatible types detected");
if (result.isOk()) {
auto res = func(result.storage().template get<T>());
return res;
return types::Err<E>(result.storage().template get<E>());
// Specialization for a void callback returning a Result
template<typename U, typename E>
struct Map<Rust::Result<U, E> (void)> {
template<typename T, typename Func>
static Rust::Result<U, E> map(const Rust::Result<T, E>& result, Func func) {
static_assert(std::is_same<T, void>::value, "Can not call a void-callback on a non-void Result");
if (result.isOk()) {
auto res = func();
return res;
return types::Err<E>(result.storage().template get<E>());
} // namespace impl
template<typename Func> struct Map : public impl::Map<decltype(&Func::operator())> { };
template<typename Ret, typename... Args>
struct Map<Ret (*) (Args...)> : public impl::Map<Ret (Args...)> { };
template<typename Ret, typename Cls, typename... Args>
struct Map<Ret (Cls::*) (Args...)> : public impl::Map<Ret (Args...)> { };
template<typename Ret, typename Cls, typename... Args>
struct Map<Ret (Cls::*) (Args...) const> : public impl::Map<Ret (Args...)> { };
template<typename Ret, typename... Args>
struct Map<std::function<Ret (Args...)>> : public impl::Map<Ret (Args...)> { };
} // namespace ok
namespace err {
namespace impl {
template<typename T> struct Map;
template<typename Ret, typename Cls, typename Arg>
struct Map<Ret (Cls::*)(Arg) const> {
"Can not map a callback returning a Result, use orElse instead");
template<typename T, typename E, typename Func>
static Rust::Result<T, Ret> map(const Rust::Result<T, E>& result, Func func) {
if (result.isErr()) {
auto res = func(result.storage().template get<E>());
return types::Err<Ret>(res);
return types::Ok<T>(result.storage().template get<T>());
template<typename E, typename Func>
static Rust::Result<void, Ret> map(const Rust::Result<void, E>& result, Func func) {
if (result.isErr()) {
auto res = func(result.storage().template get<E>());
return types::Err<Ret>(res);
return types::Ok<void>();
} // namespace impl
template<typename Func> struct Map : public impl::Map<decltype(&Func::operator())> { };
} // namespace err;
namespace And {
namespace impl {
template<typename Func> struct Then;
template<typename Ret, typename... Args>
struct Then<Ret (*)(Args...)> : public Then<Ret (Args...)> { };
template<typename Ret, typename Cls, typename... Args>
struct Then<Ret (Cls::*)(Args...)> : public Then<Ret (Args...)> { };
template<typename Ret, typename Cls, typename... Args>
struct Then<Ret (Cls::*)(Args...) const> : public Then<Ret (Args...)> { };
template<typename Ret, typename Arg>
struct Then<Ret (Arg)> {
static_assert(std::is_same<Ret, void>::value,
"then() should not return anything, use map() instead");
template<typename T, typename E, typename Func>
static Rust::Result<T, E> then(const Rust::Result<T, E>& result, Func func) {
if (result.isOk()) {
func(result.storage().template get<T>());
return result;
template<typename Ret>
struct Then<Ret (void)> {
static_assert(std::is_same<Ret, void>::value,
"then() should not return anything, use map() instead");
template<typename T, typename E, typename Func>
static Rust::Result<T, E> then(const Rust::Result<T, E>& result, Func func) {
static_assert(std::is_same<T, void>::value, "Can not call a void-callback on a non-void Result");
if (result.isOk()) {
return result;
} // namespace impl
template<typename Func>
struct Then : public impl::Then<decltype(&Func::operator())> { };
template<typename Ret, typename... Args>
struct Then<Ret (*) (Args...)> : public impl::Then<Ret (Args...)> { };
template<typename Ret, typename Cls, typename... Args>
struct Then<Ret (Cls::*)(Args...)> : public impl::Then<Ret (Args...)> { };
template<typename Ret, typename Cls, typename... Args>
struct Then<Ret (Cls::*)(Args...) const> : public impl::Then<Ret (Args...)> { };
} // namespace And
namespace Or {
namespace impl {
template<typename Func> struct Else;
template<typename Ret, typename... Args>
struct Else<Ret (*)(Args...)> : public Else<Ret (Args...)> { };
template<typename Ret, typename Cls, typename... Args>
struct Else<Ret (Cls::*)(Args...)> : public Else<Ret (Args...)> { };
template<typename Ret, typename Cls, typename... Args>
struct Else<Ret (Cls::*)(Args...) const> : public Else<Ret (Args...)> { };
template<typename T, typename F, typename Arg>
struct Else<Rust::Result<T, F> (Arg)> {
template<typename E, typename Func>
static Rust::Result<T, F> orElse(const Rust::Result<T, E>& result, Func func) {
std::is_same<E, Arg>::value ||
std::is_convertible<E, Arg>::value,
"Incompatible types detected");
if (result.isErr()) {
auto res = func(result.storage().template get<E>());
return res;
return types::Ok<T>(result.storage().template get<T>());
template<typename E, typename Func>
static Rust::Result<void, F> orElse(const Rust::Result<void, E>& result, Func func) {
if (result.isErr()) {
auto res = func(result.storage().template get<E>());
return res;
return types::Ok<void>();
template<typename T, typename F>
struct Else<Rust::Result<T, F> (void)> {
template<typename E, typename Func>
static Rust::Result<T, F> orElse(const Rust::Result<T, E>& result, Func func) {
static_assert(std::is_same<T, void>::value,
"Can not call a void-callback on a non-void Result");
if (result.isErr()) {
auto res = func();
return res;
return types::Ok<T>(result.storage().template get<T>());
template<typename E, typename Func>
static Rust::Result<void, F> orElse(const Rust::Result<void, E>& result, Func func) {
if (result.isErr()) {
auto res = func();
return res;
return types::Ok<void>();
} // namespace impl
template<typename Func>
struct Else : public impl::Else<decltype(&Func::operator())> { };
template<typename Ret, typename... Args>
struct Else<Ret (*) (Args...)> : public impl::Else<Ret (Args...)> { };
template<typename Ret, typename Cls, typename... Args>
struct Else<Ret (Cls::*)(Args...)> : public impl::Else<Ret (Args...)> { };
template<typename Ret, typename Cls, typename... Args>
struct Else<Ret (Cls::*)(Args...) const> : public impl::Else<Ret (Args...)> { };
} // namespace Or
namespace Other {
namespace impl {
template<typename Func> struct Wise;
template<typename Ret, typename... Args>
struct Wise<Ret (*)(Args...)> : public Wise<Ret (Args...)> { };
template<typename Ret, typename Cls, typename... Args>
struct Wise<Ret (Cls::*)(Args...)> : public Wise<Ret (Args...)> { };
template<typename Ret, typename Cls, typename... Args>
struct Wise<Ret (Cls::*)(Args...) const> : public Wise<Ret (Args...)> { };
template<typename Ret, typename Arg>
struct Wise<Ret (Arg)> {
template<typename T, typename E, typename Func>
static Rust::Result<T, E> otherwise(const Rust::Result<T, E>& result, Func func) {
std::is_same<E, Arg>::value ||
std::is_convertible<E, Arg>::value,
"Incompatible types detected");
static_assert(std::is_same<Ret, void>::value,
"callback should not return anything, use mapError() for that");
if (result.isErr()) {
func(result.storage().template get<E>());
return result;
} // namespace impl
template<typename Func>
struct Wise : public impl::Wise<decltype(&Func::operator())> { };
template<typename Ret, typename... Args>
struct Wise<Ret (*) (Args...)> : public impl::Wise<Ret (Args...)> { };
template<typename Ret, typename Cls, typename... Args>
struct Wise<Ret (Cls::*)(Args...)> : public impl::Wise<Ret (Args...)> { };
template<typename Ret, typename Cls, typename... Args>
struct Wise<Ret (Cls::*)(Args...) const> : public impl::Wise<Ret (Args...)> { };
} // namespace Other
template<typename T, typename E, typename Func,
typename Ret =
typename details::ResultOkType<
typename details::result_of<Func>::type
Ret map(const Rust::Result<T, E>& result, Func func) {
return ok::Map<Func>::map(result, func);
template<typename T, typename E, typename Func,
typename Ret =
typename details::ResultErrType<
typename details::result_of<Func>::type
Ret mapError(const Rust::Result<T, E>& result, Func func) {
return err::Map<Func>::map(result, func);
template<typename T, typename E, typename Func>
Rust::Result<T, E> then(const Rust::Result<T, E>& result, Func func) {
return And::Then<Func>::then(result, func);
template<typename T, typename E, typename Func>
Rust::Result<T, E> otherwise(const Rust::Result<T, E>& result, Func func) {
return Other::Wise<Func>::otherwise(result, func);
template<typename T, typename E, typename Func,
typename Ret =
typename details::ResultErrType<
typename details::result_of<Func>::type
Ret orElse(const Rust::Result<T, E>& result, Func func) {
return Or::Else<Func>::orElse(result, func);
struct ok_tag { };
struct err_tag { };
template<typename T, typename E>
struct Storage {
static constexpr size_t Size = sizeof(T) > sizeof(E) ? sizeof(T) : sizeof(E);
static constexpr size_t Align = sizeof(T) > sizeof(E) ? alignof(T) : alignof(E);
typedef typename std::aligned_storage<Size, Align>::type type;
: initialized_(false)
{ }
void construct(types::Ok<T> ok)
new (&storage_) T(ok.val);
initialized_ = true;
void construct(types::Err<E> err)
new (&storage_) E(err.val);
initialized_ = true;
template<typename U>
void rawConstruct(U&& val) {
typedef typename std::decay<U>::type CleanU;
new (&storage_) CleanU(std::forward<U>(val));
initialized_ = true;
template<typename U>
const U& get() const {
return *reinterpret_cast<const U *>(&storage_);
template<typename U>
U& get() {
return *reinterpret_cast<U *>(&storage_);
void destroy(ok_tag) {
if (initialized_) {
initialized_ = false;
void destroy(err_tag) {
if (initialized_) {
initialized_ = false;
type storage_;
bool initialized_;
template<typename E>
struct Storage<void, E> {
typedef typename std::aligned_storage<sizeof(E), alignof(E)>::type type;
void construct(types::Ok<void>)
initialized_ = true;
void construct(types::Err<E> err)
new (&storage_) E(err.val);
initialized_ = true;
template<typename U>
void rawConstruct(U&& val) {
typedef typename std::decay<U>::type CleanU;
new (&storage_) CleanU(std::forward<U>(val));
initialized_ = true;
void destroy(ok_tag) { initialized_ = false; }
void destroy(err_tag) {
if (initialized_) {
get<E>().~E(); initialized_ = false;
template<typename U>
const U& get() const {
return *reinterpret_cast<const U *>(&storage_);
template<typename U>
U& get() {
return *reinterpret_cast<U *>(&storage_);
type storage_;
bool initialized_;
template<typename T, typename E>
struct Constructor {
static void move(Storage<T, E>&& src, Storage<T, E>& dst, ok_tag) {
dst.rawConstruct(std::move(src.template get<T>()));
static void copy(const Storage<T, E>& src, Storage<T, E>& dst, ok_tag) {
dst.rawConstruct(src.template get<T>());
static void move(Storage<T, E>&& src, Storage<T, E>& dst, err_tag) {
dst.rawConstruct(std::move(src.template get<E>()));
static void copy(const Storage<T, E>& src, Storage<T, E>& dst, err_tag) {
dst.rawConstruct(src.template get<E>());
template<typename E>
struct Constructor<void, E> {
static void move(Storage<void, E>&& src, Storage<void, E>& dst, ok_tag) {
static void copy(const Storage<void, E>& src, Storage<void, E>& dst, ok_tag) {
static void move(Storage<void, E>&& src, Storage<void, E>& dst, err_tag) {
dst.rawConstruct(std::move(src.template get<E>()));
static void copy(const Storage<void, E>& src, Storage<void, E>& dst, err_tag) {
dst.rawConstruct(src.template get<E>());
} // namespace details
namespace rpog {
template<typename T, typename = void> struct EqualityComparable : std::false_type { };
template<typename T>
struct EqualityComparable<T,
typename std::enable_if<
typename details::void_t<decltype(std::declval<T>() == std::declval<T>())>::type
> : std::true_type
} // namespace rpog
namespace Rust {
template<typename T, typename E>
struct Result {
static_assert(!std::is_same<E, void>::value, "void error type is not allowed");
typedef details::Storage<T, E> storage_type;
Result(types::Ok<T> ok)
: ok_(true)
Result(types::Err<E> err)
: ok_(false)
Result(Result&& other) {
if (other.isOk()) {
details::Constructor<T, E>::move(std::move(other.storage_), storage_, details::ok_tag());
ok_ = true;
} else {
details::Constructor<T, E>::move(std::move(other.storage_), storage_, details::err_tag());
ok_ = false;
Result(const Result& other) {
if (other.isOk()) {
details::Constructor<T, E>::copy(other.storage_, storage_, details::ok_tag());
ok_ = true;
} else {
details::Constructor<T, E>::copy(other.storage_, storage_, details::err_tag());
ok_ = false;
~Result() {
if (ok_)
bool isOk() const {
return ok_;
bool isErr() const {
return !ok_;
T expect(const char* str) const {
if (!isOk()) {
std::fprintf(stderr, "%s\n", str);
return expect_impl(std::is_same<T, void>());
template<typename Func,
typename Ret =
typename details::ResultOkType<
typename details::result_of<Func>::type
Ret map(Func func) const {
return details::map(*this, func);
template<typename Func,
typename Ret =
typename details::ResultErrType<
typename details::result_of<Func>::type
Ret mapError(Func func) const {
return details::mapError(*this, func);
template<typename Func>
Result<T, E> then(Func func) const {
return details::then(*this, func);
template<typename Func>
Result<T, E> otherwise(Func func) const {
return details::otherwise(*this, func);
template<typename Func,
typename Ret =
typename details::ResultErrType<
typename details::result_of<Func>::type
Ret orElse(Func func) const {
return details::orElse(*this, func);
storage_type& storage() {
return storage_;
const storage_type& storage() const {
return storage_;
template<typename U = T>
typename std::enable_if<
!std::is_same<U, void>::value,
unwrapOr(const U& defaultValue) const {
if (isOk()) {
return storage().template get<U>();
return defaultValue;
template<typename U = T>
typename std::enable_if<
!std::is_same<U, void>::value,
unwrap() const {
if (isOk()) {
return storage().template get<U>();
std::fprintf(stderr, "Attempting to unwrap an error Result\n");
E unwrapErr() const {
if (isErr()) {
return storage().template get<E>();
std::fprintf(stderr, "Attempting to unwrapErr an ok Result\n");
T expect_impl(std::true_type) const { }
T expect_impl(std::false_type) const { return storage_.template get<T>(); }
bool ok_;
storage_type storage_;
template<typename T, typename E>
bool operator==(const Rust::Result<T, E>& lhs, const Rust::Result<T, E>& rhs) {
static_assert(rpog::EqualityComparable<T>::value, "T must be EqualityComparable for Result to be comparable");
static_assert(rpog::EqualityComparable<E>::value, "E must be EqualityComparable for Result to be comparable");
if (lhs.isOk() && rhs.isOk()) {
return lhs.storage().template get<T>() == rhs.storage().template get<T>();
if (lhs.isErr() && rhs.isErr()) {
return lhs.storage().template get<E>() == rhs.storage().template get<E>();
template<typename T, typename E>
bool operator==(const Rust::Result<T, E>& lhs, types::Ok<T> ok) {
static_assert(rpog::EqualityComparable<T>::value, "T must be EqualityComparable for Result to be comparable");
if (!lhs.isOk()) return false;
return lhs.storage().template get<T>() == ok.val;
template<typename E>
bool operator==(const Rust::Result<void, E>& lhs, types::Ok<void>) {
return lhs.isOk();
template<typename T, typename E>
bool operator==(const Rust::Result<T, E>& lhs, types::Err<E> err) {
static_assert(rpog::EqualityComparable<E>::value, "E must be EqualityComparable for Result to be comparable");
if (!lhs.isErr()) return false;
return lhs.storage().template get<E>() == err.val;
} // end namespace Rust
#define TRY(...) \
({ \
auto res = __VA_ARGS__; \
if (!res.isOk()) { \
typedef details::ResultErrType<decltype(res)>::type E; \
return types::Err<E>(res.storage().get<E>()); \
} \
typedef details::ResultOkType<decltype(res)>::type T; \
res.storage().get<T>(); \