// SPDX-FileCopyrightText: Copyright 2024 shadPS4 Emulator Project // SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "json.hpp" struct NidFuncTable { std::string m_encoded_id; std::string m_hex_id; std::string m_funcName; int m_libversion; int m_version_major; int m_version_minor; }; constexpr std::string_view SpdxHeader = R"(// SPDX-FileCopyrightText: Copyright 2024 shadPS4 Emulator Project // SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later )"; void GenerateCodeFiles( const std::unordered_map>& libName2FuncTableMap, const std::string& moduleName) { // Generate Header std::string lowModName = moduleName; std::transform(lowModName.begin(), lowModName.end(), lowModName.begin(), ::tolower); std::string headerName(lowModName + ".h"); std::string spdx{SpdxHeader}; std::string headerCode(spdx); headerCode += "\n"; headerCode += "#pragma once\n\n#include \"library_common.h\" \n\n"; std::string trimmedName = moduleName; if (moduleName.find("libSce") != std::string::npos) { trimmedName = moduleName.substr(6, moduleName.size() - 1); } else if (moduleName.find("lib") != std::string::npos) { trimmedName = moduleName.substr(3, moduleName.size() - 1); trimmedName[0] = toupper(trimmedName[0]); } headerCode += "namespace Libraries::" + trimmedName + "{\n\n"; std::unordered_set funcDeclares; for (const auto& lib : libName2FuncTableMap) { for (const auto& func : lib.second) { if (funcDeclares.find(func.m_funcName) == funcDeclares.end()) { const std::string funcDeclare("int PS4_SYSV_ABI " + func.m_funcName + "();\n"); headerCode += funcDeclare; funcDeclares.insert(func.m_funcName); } } } headerCode += "\nvoid Register" + moduleName + "(Core::Loader::SymbolsResolver * sym);\n"; headerCode += "}"; std::ofstream headerFile(MODULE_DIR + headerName); headerFile << headerCode; headerFile.close(); std::string sourceName(lowModName + ".cpp"); std::string sourceCode(spdx); sourceCode += "\n"; sourceCode += "// Generated By moduleGenerator\n#include \"" + headerName + "\"\n#include \"common/log.h\"\n#include \"error_codes.h\"\n\n"; sourceCode += "namespace Libraries::" + trimmedName + "{\n\n"; // function implementation std::unordered_set funcImplementation; for (const auto& lib : libName2FuncTableMap) { for (const auto& func : lib.second) { if (funcImplementation.find(func.m_funcName) == funcImplementation.end()) { const std::string funcDeclare("int PS4_SYSV_ABI " + func.m_funcName + "()\n" + "{\n" + " PRINT_UNIMPLEMENTED_FUNCTION_NAME();\n" " return ORBIS_OK;\n" + "}\n\n"); sourceCode += funcDeclare; funcImplementation.insert(func.m_funcName); } } } sourceCode += "void Register" + moduleName + "(Core::Loader::SymbolsResolver * sym) {\n"; for (const auto& lib : libName2FuncTableMap) { for (const auto& func : lib.second) { sourceCode += " LIB_FUNCTION(\"" + func.m_encoded_id + "\", \"" + lib.first + "\" , " + std::to_string(func.m_libversion) + " , \"" + moduleName + "\", " + std::to_string(func.m_version_major) + ", " + std::to_string(func.m_version_minor) + " , " + func.m_funcName + " );\n"; } } sourceCode += "};\n\n"; sourceCode += "}"; std::ofstream sourceFile(MODULE_DIR + sourceName); sourceFile << sourceCode; sourceFile.close(); } void GetSymbolsFromLibDoc(std::vector& importModules) { for (uint32_t index = 0; index < importModules.size(); index++) { const std::string& moduleName = importModules[index] + ".sprx.json"; std::ifstream file(LIBDOC_DIR + moduleName); if (std::filesystem::exists(LIBDOC_DIR + moduleName)) { printf("module found %s\n", moduleName.c_str()); nlohmann::json m_json_data = nlohmann::json::parse(file); bool bFound = false; // parse "modules": [ for (auto& modules : m_json_data["modules"]) { std::string subModuleName = modules.at("name").get(); // get the name of module if (subModuleName == importModules[index]) { int m_version_major = modules.at("version_major").get(); int m_version_minor = modules.at("version_minor").get(); std::unordered_map> libName2FuncTableMap; for (auto& libraries : modules["libraries"]) { std::string libName = libraries["name"].get(); if (libName2FuncTableMap.find(libName) == libName2FuncTableMap.end()) { libName2FuncTableMap.emplace( std::make_pair(libName, std::vector())); } int libVersion = libraries["version"].get(); for (auto& symbols : libraries["symbols"]) { std::string encoded_id = symbols["encoded_id"].get(); std::string hex_id = symbols["hex_id"].get(); std::string symName; if (symbols["name"] != nullptr) { symName = symbols["name"].get(); } else { symName = "Func_" + hex_id; } libName2FuncTableMap[libName].push_back( NidFuncTable{encoded_id, hex_id, symName, libVersion, m_version_major, m_version_minor}); } } GenerateCodeFiles(libName2FuncTableMap, subModuleName); bFound = true; } } if (!bFound) { printf("module can't be found %s\n", moduleName.c_str()); } } else { printf("module can't be found %s\n", moduleName.c_str()); } } } int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { std::filesystem::path genFolder(MODULE_DIR); if (!std::filesystem::exists(genFolder)) { std::filesystem::create_directories(genFolder); } std::vector modules_to_generate; modules_to_generate.push_back(std::string("libSceGnmDriver")); modules_to_generate.push_back(std::string("libScePad")); modules_to_generate.push_back(std::string("libSceVideoOut")); modules_to_generate.push_back(std::string("libkernel")); modules_to_generate.push_back(std::string("libSceSystemService")); modules_to_generate.push_back(std::string("libSceCommonDialog")); modules_to_generate.push_back(std::string("libSceMsgDialog")); GetSymbolsFromLibDoc(modules_to_generate); return 0; }